Herbs that Can Eliminate Fatty Tumors
Time to read 4 min
Time to read 4 min
When petting and snuggling with your pup, you may notice a lump under the skin that’s a bit squishy. Upon investigation, you may also notice your dog isn’t whining or in pain. In this case, your dog may have a fatty tumor. That word is extremely frightening but before the waterworks start, it’s not always a bad sign of what’s to come.
Known as lipomas, these benign masses are quite common and can remain underneath your pet’s skin without ever causing a problem. You may even begin to see multiple lipomas varying in size, which is usually nothing to worry about. Again, don’t freak out. While they’re most often seen on the belly and trunk area, they can appear anywhere on your dog’s body. These lumps are typically soft and move easily when touched. Lipomas can develop in dogs of any age or breed, but they are more common in middle-aged to older dogs. It's essential to monitor any new lumps or changes in existing ones and consult your veterinarian for proper evaluation and advice.
According to the whole-dog-journal.com, “An estimated 1.7 million dogs are treated in the United States for lipomas every year and one survey claimed that American veterinarians average 25 lipoma removals annually at a cost to owners of $635 million.” WOW! Did we say “WOW?” Surgery is not always the answer, especially if the lipoma is benign.
There are various types of lipomas and a trip to see your veterinarian can determine what’s really going on under there. A fine needle aspirate will indicate whether the mass is a benign lipoma, or whether it is a more worrisome mass that is mimicking a lipoma.
From a holistic perspective, lipomas form as a sign of body congestion. What exactly does that mean?
Dogsnaturallymagazine.com tells us the energy that isn’t flowing well becomes trapped, and the build-up of different wastes is called a dog’s “toxic load.” What causes this waste?
Whether we’re talking about humans or pets, we’re all products of our environments, and that isn’t always a good thing. This is the reason many turn to a more natural way to live using homeopathic options or a holistic approach, combining both.
There’s always been a popular vaccine debate in both humans and canines. Does it do more harm than good? Does our body need it or can it naturally fight off ailments? Drinking tap water has also been questioned as to whether it’s beneficial or harmful due to toxins like chlorine, fluoride, and pesticides.
What we use to keep our pets safe can actually be harming them more. When it comes to flea and tick medications, FDA warnings can be scary. When we hear about a shampoo that’s killing our pets, it makes us wonder if anything is safe?
These are all subject matters we need to think hard about as pet owners so our doggies can live long lives and spend as much time with us as possible. As we know, it’s never long enough.
It is known that certain natural remedies and herbs can eliminate tumors. Various natural cocktails have been documented to help shrink these congestions. It is wonderful to learn that something that comes directly from Nature, such as herbs, can eliminate tumors in dogs. What’s better than that?
One of these cocktails is a mix of burdock, milk thistle, and dandelion. To find other recipes, look online, and feel great knowing you’re naturally helping to heal your pet.
This herb stimulates the discharge of toxins from your dog’s body, purifies the blood of contaminants, and aids in the expulsion of the toxins through the skin.
Conventional medicine accepts milk thistle as one of the few herbs with medicinal value. The extract can help stop and restore liver damage, including medication-induced cases.
Remember blowing on these as a little kid and watching them float away in the wind? Dandelions aren’t just cool to play with, they’re very healthy and have been referred to as a nearly perfect whole food source of vitamins and minerals. Dandelions have a ton of health benefits for your dog including improving the immune system, helping with digestion, removal of toxins, and so much more.
Other helpful herbs that can aid in eliminating fatty tumors on your dog are sage, chamomile, and turmeric. These are easy to find and you most likely have them in your pantry.
This popular herb typically used in cooking recipes also has the ability to thin the blood, making it an ideal remedy for your dog’s lipoma. According to herbalist Matthew Wood, sage has a natural affinity that attracts it to fat, therefore it can help dissolve a lipoma from the outside in when applied topically.
When we think of chamomile, we think of tea, which is loaded with antioxidants. In dogs, the bitter herb helps break down fats in the body by stimulating the digestive system.
Everywhere we look these days, we see turmeric as a healer, whether it’s in our foods or beauty products. Known for anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the active ingredient, curcumin, can help shrink fatty lumps on your dog’s skin.
Always proceed with caution when introducing something new to your pet, even when it comes from mother nature. Some herbs can interact with current medications your dog might be taking and should be avoided altogether if your dog is pregnant.
These herbs to eliminate tumors and others can help your dog’s body naturally fight fatty tumors while receiving additional health benefits at the same time. Talk to your veterinarian about introducing herbs like these to your pet to learn more about how they can help with lipomas, other health issues your dog may be experiencing, and how you can use them for preventative purposes.
It’s fun to learn about the various herbs available, and their healing properties, and to create recipes that provide solutions for common conditions, like fatty tumors. There are fantastic books and endless websites that can guide you along your herb exploration.
Aside from traditional medicine, there’s a whole world of natural remedies out there waiting for you and your dog, so explore and enjoy nature’s medication. Embrace holistic approaches to enhance your pet's well-being.